Absolute return funds

Your flexible investment

Your flexible investment

In order to meet investor requirements for balanced investments, we have launched the YOU INVEST funds, comprising flexible investment portfolios adjusted to market developments. YOU INVEST fund managers invest in bonds, equities, money market instruments, and alternative investments.

Since the main objective is to balance investment risks and returns, the Fund Manager may adjust investments in equities and other high risk instruments within the limits of strategic asset allocation, whenever negative developments are anticipated


In order to meet investor requirements for balanced investments, we have launched the YOU INVEST funds, comprising flexible investment portfolios adjusted to market developments.

YOU INVEST fund managers invest in bonds, equities, money market instruments, and alternative investments (hedge funds, commodities, derivatives, real estate, futures contracts).

Fund List - YOU INVEST

Important information:

Please find further information and documents on the respective funds by clicking the fund name in the above overview.

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This is an advertising material. Previous performance of the Fund is not a guarantee of future results! Please read the prospectus and the key investor document (KIID) before investing in fund! The Prospectus and the key investor document (KID) are available in Romanian and English language on www.erste-am.ro and may be obtained from the agencies/units pertaining to the Romanian Commercial Bank and from the premises of SAI Erste Asset Management S.A.