Get to know the various departments of Erste Asset Management. Have a look and find the position that most suits you in our team.
Investment Division
The Investment Department analyzes investment opportunities and asset placement in accordance with the fund issue prospectus and discretionary portfolio management.
Risk Management
Risk Management is responsible for the measuring and controlling of all risks in investment funds and portfolios associated with the specific products. Typically, this involves the determination and evaluation of market risks (value at risk, stress tests etc.), liquidity risks, and credit risks. The results of this evaluation are constantly reconciled with external (statutory) and internal regulations. In those cases, where the risk values are not in line with the respective risk profile of a fund or portfolio, immediate steps are demanded from the fund management team in charge.
Back Office
This department is structured as follows:
- Accounting Department, responsible with financial accounting and HR
- Operations and Asset Valuation Unit, with operations and IT responsibilities
Sales and Marketing Department
The sales and marketing department has the main tasks of sales, marketing and sales support
Internal compliance
Internal compliance department is responsible for ensuring compliance by the company and its staff with the legislation concerning the capital market and internal regulations.
The representative of the internal control department shall be authorized by the Authority and shall comply with the conditions laid down by the regulations issued by it.
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This is an advertising material. Previous performance of the Fund is not a guarantee of future results! Please read the prospectus and the key investor document (KIID) before investing in fund! The Prospectus and the key investor document (KID) are available in Romanian and English language on and may be obtained from the agencies/units pertaining to the Romanian Commercial Bank and from the premises of SAI Erste Asset Management S.A.