Submission and general petition handling process
Petitions can be submitted in writing and lodged at the headquarters of SAI Erste or the offices of the distributor - the Romanian Commercial Bank; petitions may be submitted by post, electronic mail or online systems.
Registered office_E-mail address_Identification data of the person/persons in charge with receiving petitions:
SAI Erste Registered office: Strada Uruguay nr. 14, Sector 1, Bucuresti,
Mihnea Bărbulescu - Director Departament Vânzări & Marketing - e-mail: ; tel.: 0372.269.920
Alina Topală – Customer Service Analyst – e-mail:; tel.: 0372.269.925
Petitions should provide the following information:
The identification data of the person lodging the petition
The subject of the petition (the service/investment business or information)
The capacity of the person lodging the petition (account holder/agent)
The interest of the person lodging the petition.
Response will be given within 30 days after registration of the petition, regardless of whether the petition is resolved in favour or against the petitioner. If the subject of the petition requires further investigation, the petitioner will be advised of the reasons for the delay/the status of the petition and response will be given within 15 days from expiry of the initial 30 day period.
Petitioners may request information on the status of their petition.
Contact data:
Mihnea Barbulescu – Head of Sales & Marketing Department – e-mail:; tel.: 0372.269.920
Alina Topală – Customer Service Analyst – e-mail:; tel.: 0372.269.925
If a petition is resolved against the petitioner, SAI Erste will advise the petitioner of its right to resort to competent bodies and authorities and to the amicable dispute resolution proceedings set out in the law.
When no response is received in the period indicated above or when the response is not satisfactory, the petitioner may resort to the following authorities:
Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) – Bucureşti,Splaiul Independenţei nr. 15, sector 5, 050092,;
National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) - Bucureşti, Bulevardul Aviatorilor nr. 72, sector 1,